7th Egypt Sino Auto Printing & Packaging Expo 17th International Exhibition for Paper, Board,Tissue & Packaging lndustry 9-11 Sep 2025 Egypt International Exhibition Center (EIEC)
Address Phone201-111112443 Emailsales@medtissuemill.com Web
About Company
Mediterranean Tissue mill is an Egyptian shared company; it is one of the pioneers in the field of manufacturing hygienic tissue in the Middle East, and it was founded in 2007 and started its production in 2009.
The company is specialized in manufacturing hygienic tissue rolls using jumbo rolls prime quality from 100% virgin Pulp using the latest techniques and applying quality criteria in every stage of production, various grades such as Facial, Toilet, Kitchen Towel, Napkin, Pocket and Carrier Tissue.
The company covers the national market needs as well as exporting to Africa, Asia, Europe and Comes Members.